The cost is $45 month with a $35 enrollment fee. If you do not use a smart phone, you will also need to pay $10 for a physical bar code which will be mailed to you.
Sorry, the gym is for members 18 years old and older.
No guests are allowed. If someone would like a tour before they sign up, please have them contact us directly and we’ll be happy to show them the facility.
Whatever device (smart phone) that will be used to access the gym should be used for the signup. Each member should do this separately ON THEIR DEVICE. Payment information can be the same across accounts, but the account itself should be done using the actual gym user’s device.
Yes, you can freeze your membership which reduces your cost to $10/month. You will not be allowed access to the gym if your membership is frozen, but your membership slot will be reserved and you will not pay another enrollment fee when you become an active member again. You may only freeze/unfreeze for a complete month, not a partial month. The start/stop date must be on you billing date, which is the date on which you originally signed up.
Send an email or drop a written note into the secure suggestion box found in the entryway. Due to the automatic billing system, you may get charged for one more month after you notify us of your membership termination. If that occurs, your membership will remain active for that final month.
Yes. If you maintain 4 memberships on one payment account, it will be $100/month. Each additional membership (over 4) will cost $25/month. You must call/email Alex to set this up.
Yes, water is provided free of charge via a bottled water dispenser.
Yes, there are lockable lockers and cubbies available for guests to use. You may not leave a lock on the locker after you depart the gym, they are for everyone’s use.
Parking is available in the private parking lot on Bow street, in the public parking lot directly in front of the gym, and on the street.